VIBRACUR specifically provides:
- Faster and more efficient information processing about the musculature and the nervous system
- Neurotransmitters release
- Impulse stimulator of spinal cord training
- Re-activation and protection of nerve and muscular cells
- Activation of brain areas
- Bone metabolism improving
- Preflex and reflexes improving
- Involuntary activation of musculature dictated by the impulses
- Better awareness of the body
VIBRACUR produces particular mechanic stimuli according to the clinical situation of each patient. For this purpose, are used three-dimensional impulses that the main nervous system can’t neither predict nor find out. These stimuli are used through a patented technology to reinforce certain physical reactions in order to restore the damaged functions. The impulses “will surprise” the brain in a few milliseconds, urging him to submit that information, in form of training, to both healthy and damaged structure.
This shows the great range of the VIBRACUR application, not only it’s possible act on cells directly affected by the disease, but also on the cells that indirectly “take part” and that are essential for the motion control, for the effects of neuromuscular facilitation and of bypass.

There are several fields where VIBRACUR can be applied and give relief
- Stroke (in the event of paresis)
- Multiple sclerosis (MS)
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Restless Legs Syndrome
- Polyneuropathy
- Balance disorder

- Orthopedic diseases
- Endoprosthesis (TOE: hip, knee)
- Osteoporosis
- Falls prevention
- Chronic pain
- Back pain
- Sports medicine

- Urinary incontinence
- Dementia
- Tendency to fall
- Inactivity
- Osteoporosis
- Depression
- Increase in performance

- Kids (ADHD)
- Delays in development
- Pediatrics
- Autism